Are you thinking about putting your property on the market, but aren’t sure when or how? It can be difficult to know exactly when you should sell your home. However, there are times and seasons when selling your home is almost certainly the right thing for you. Whether your reasons are personal or market-driven, we’ve identified some of the best times to think seriously about selling your property.
1. Your family needs more space
Your family may not be expanding, but if the people in your house are growing restless, it’s time to consider a change. As young children grow into young adults, many parents move into properties where each child can have their own room. Adding private spaces and larger rooms can also accommodate your family’s needs, so bear that in mind when you’re looking at properties. Knowing that your family needs more space is a key factor in determining if you should put your home on the market.
2. Look to the seasons
The autumn and spring are known for being good times to sell your property, and for good reason. Potential buyers aren’t busy with holidays and Christmas parties during these seasons. The spring coincides with an increase in sunlight and a blooming garden, both of which do wonders for the appearance of your property. In the autumn, the fading light and multicoloured leaves add a romantic touch that’s unparalleled. If you’re selling, try to time putting your home on the market with the beginning of the season.
3. Your family is expanding
Whether you’re expecting a child or welcoming a parent, there are plenty of family expansions that will require more room for everyone. If you know that your property won’t be able to accommodate everyone, it’s time to put your home on the market.
4. You’re not excited to go home at the end of the day
Is your home a place where you can rest and relax? Do you feel safe in your neighbourhood? These are all signs that it’s time to start looking for a new home. Your home should be a place where you feel comfortable and relaxed, and anything less should have you looking elsewhere.
5. The local property market is flourishing
Have you been toying with the idea of moving for a few years, but never knew when the time was right? Putting your home on the market when it is flourishing will increase your chances of a speedy sale. But how do you know when the market is flourishing? Speak to your local agent and look around your neighbourhood. Are there plenty of sold boards around? This is a good indication of the state of the property market in your area.
6. You’re considering buying a new property
If you’re thinking of moving house, put your own home on the market first. That way, you’ll be free to make an offer when your dream home comes along. Worried that a buyer won’t want to purchase your house because you haven’t secured another home? Most buyers are very understanding, and will appreciate your honestly if you’re up-front with them about not having found another home.
If you are considering selling your home why not contact us now to book your valuation or click here to get an instant online valuation.